Akberdin Ilya Rinatovich (IC&G, Phd student)
Секция: Modern problems of mathematical modelling and computational technologies |
"Моделирование регуляции развития двухмерной ткани растений" |
"Modelling of developments regulation of the 2D plants tissue" |
Alexey A Kytmanov , Ph.D. (SFU, Associate professor)
Секция: Various analysis problems |
"Аналоги формул Ньютона для систем уравнений" |
"Analogues of the Newton formulas for systems of equations" |
Aliona Dreglea (Dublin Institute of Technology, Research / Teaching Assistant)
Efendiev Rakib Feyruzovic , Ph.D (Baku State University, scientific secretary)
Froehner, Michael , Professor , Dr. rer. nat. habil. (Cottbus (Germany), Professor (Head of chair))
Georgieva Margarita Ivanova , M.D. (Offshore Technology Development, Pte Ltd, Singapore, Executive Engineer)
Секция: Modern problems of mathematical modelling and computational technologies |
"Новая математическая модель вакуума и ее приложение к проблемам магнитных зарядов и нейтрино" |
"New mathematical model of a physical vacuum and its application to the problems of magnetic charges and of a neutrino." |
Gregory Gorobetz - Горобец Григорий Григорьевич , Real member of Academy of Educational Informatization - действительный член Академии информатизации образования , Dr. math. - доктор математики (Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy - Рижская Академия педагогики и управления образованием, Head of the Department of Informatics - заведующий кафедрой информатики)
Секция: Modern problems of mathematical modelling and computational technologies |
"Методика безградиентного решения нелинейных краевых задач" |
"Nongradient Methods of Solving of Nonlinear Boundary Problems" |
Markelova Tamara Valerievna (Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, junior researcher)
Секция: Modern problems of mathematical modelling and computational technologies |
"Математическое моделирование столкновительных процессов в твердой фазе газопылевого самогравитирующего протопланетного диска." |
"Mathematical modelling processes of collisions in a firm phase of gas-dust self-gravitating protoplanetary disk." |
Michael , professor , doctor of physics and mathematics (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, professor)
Секция: Inverse problems and ill-posed problems of mathematical physics |
"A globally convergent numerical method for some
coefficient inverse problems
" |
Pierre Garapon , PhD Student (Ecole Polytechnique - France, PhD Student)
Секция: Inverse problems and ill-posed problems of mathematical physics |
"Воспроизведение эластичности в Эластографии" |
"Elasticity reconstruction in Elastography" |